
Ukrainian Night Jersey Auction Winners

DAUPHIN, MB - The Dauphin Kings would like to thank everyone that took part in Saturday's auction of the Ukrainian Night Jerseys!

If you did not win a jersey but want one, email the Kings at claughland@dauphinkings.com and pick your own number and size! Jersey auction winners will be contacted on Monday!

Below are the winners from the auction!

JERSEY #1 Larry Cassin $125.00
JERSEY #3 Ben Fox $225.00
JERSEY #4 Cam Abrey $100.00
JERSEY #7 Giselle DeKoninck $150.00
JERSEY #8 Rick Brant $175.00
JERSEY #9 Randy Rath $150.00
JERSEY #10 Karin Young $100.00
JERSEY #13 Roberta Coleman $100.00
JERSEY #14 Tamara Michele $250.00
JERSEY #16 Mark Ilott $100.00
JERSEY #17 Lindsey Kyle $175.00
JERSEY #18 Tamara Michele $150.00
JERSEY #19 Margaret Roncin $125.00
JERSEY #22 Jeff Arnold $150.00
JERSEY #24 Jason Jaquet $100.00
JERSEY #26 Daryl Bacon $150.00
JERSEY #27 David Liwiski $175.00
JERSEY #28 Roxanne Pawluk $150.00
JERSEY #29 Ryan Marcyniuk $225.00
JERSEY #33 Mitchell Rauliuk $200.00
JERSEY #44 Rodney Juba $150.00
JERSEY #51 Jeff Sawchuk $250.00
JERSEY #59 Jean Hobbs $200.00
JERSEY #71 Crysler Jamieson $150.00
JERSEY #77 Craig Kaminski $100.00