DAUPHIN, MB - The Dauphin Kings & Treaty 2 would like to thank everyone that took part in Saturday's auction of the special jerseys!
Winners will be contacted NEXT WEEK!
Below are the winners from the auction!
JERSEY #1 | Wallace Ahmo Jr | $125.00 |
JERSEY #3 | Leanne Topham | $125.00 |
JERSEY #7 | Skyla Burns | $100.00 |
JERSEY #8 | Mike Serafin | $100.00 |
JERSEY #9 | K.Armstrong | $75.00 |
JERSEY #10 | Elaine Malcolm | $50.00 |
JERSEY #13 | Stephen Marciski | $100.00 |
JERSEY #14 | Sharon Letandre | $100.00 |
JERSEY #17 | Ashley Robinson | $75.00 |
JERSEY #18 | Kristen Porter | $50.00 |
JERSEY #19 | "Ray" | $50.00 |
JERSEY #22 | Tonielle Bachewich | $100.00 |
JERSEY #24 | Geoff Edwards | $50.00 |
JERSEY #27 | Twin Motors | $75.00 |
JERSEY #28 | Craig Pawluk | $75.00 |
JERSEY #33 | Hemi Desjarlais | $125.00 |
JERSEY #44 | Suzie Amend | $125.00 |
JERSEY #51 | Phil Kotyluk | $75.00 |
JERSEY #53 | Suzie Amendt | $50.00 |
JERSEY #59 | R.Chartrand | $75.00 |
JERSEY #71 | Twin Motors | $100.00 |
JERSEY #77 | Jodi Fobair | $100.00 |