TORONTO, ON - Dauphin Kings D-man Taron Topham has earned himself a very prestigious scholarship!
The Loran Scholarship is an award that looks at a student’s character, as well as their academic achievements.
The Grandview product, who is a defenceman with the Dauphin Kings & Parkland Rangers of the Manitoba AAA Midget Hockey League, learned of the award last year through his guidance counselor in Grandview School.
The Loran Award is valued at $100,000 over four years and includes mentorship, funding for summer internship and participation in an extensive network of past and present scholars. This year, the Loran Scholars Foundation handed out 34 awards.
Recently Topham was in Toronto as one of the 88 finalists for the accolade.
"It feels great. Going into it I didn't know what would be the final outcome. Coming out of it now I'm really surprised and looking forward to the future" said Topham.
When it comes to hockey, Topham says he's going to keep playing.
"It's a really good question. I don't want to give up on what got me towards where I am now. I'll keep continuing and looking down the road."
Topham just returned from Toronto this week and says it was a great experience and he won't forget it.
"The whole event really well. Flew out from WInnipeg and got delayed in Ottawa for a little bit. It all happened at the BMO Institute for Learning in downtown Toronto. Over the course of two and a half days we had six interviews and got to meet a lot of cool people and talk about everyone's future, what they're up to and what got them to where they were" said Topham.
Topham was one of 20 Manitoba students who were interviewed for the award at the University of Manitoba. His current average in high school is right around 95%.
As a result of those interviews, Topham was one of four Manitoba students selected to go through the final selection process in Toronto.
In 2017-18, 500 candidates were interviewed in 23 regions, with 88 finalists invited to Toronto for the national selection process.
Topham says he's looking at going to the University of Saskatchewan and is interested in Sciences.
The Kings congratulate Taron on this awesome achievement!!!
More details on the Loran Scholarship can be found HERE!