DAUPHIN, MB - With the MJHL cancelling the 2020-21 Manitoba Junior Hockey League season due to COVID-19 the Dauphin Kings are now looking to the future.
After much discussion by the Board of Directors the Dauphin Kings have come up with a solution when it comes to season tickets and flex packs for the 2020-21 hockey season.
The Kings' Board of Directors greatly appreciates all the support from fans this past year and wouldn't be able to look towards the 2021-22 campaign without you!
With that being said the Kings are offering the following when it comes to any season tickets / flex packs purchased for the 2020-21 season.
Option #1 - As a season ticket holder/flex pack holder, I do not expect a refund for the cost of my ticket, for the 2020-2021 season. I look forward to renewing my season ticket/flex pack for the 2021-2022 season. I understand the hardships that the Dauphin Kings had to endure, for this season, and look forward to catching them back on the ice, this fall.
Option #2 - As a season ticket holder/flex pack holder, I would like a credit towards my 2021-2022 season tickets. I understand that this amount may not cover the entire cost of my ticket, for next season, but am willing to pay that difference.
Credits will vary depending on when ticket holders purchased their tickets and what type of ticket it is (Adult, Student, Kids & Flex etc.).
In order to make it as simple as possible for ticket holders you can notify us by calling Christian at 204-622-5461 or emailing CLaughland@DauphinKings.com. If the Kings do not hear from you we will begin calling ticket holders at the end of next week (March 11th & 12th).
We appreciate the community’s understanding of how we have chosen to handle a difficult situation and we look forward to seeing all of our fans in the arena once again this fall.